Visit us at the Farmers Market in Center, TX!Learn more

Nature Knows Best

Here at Vintage Farms, we believe in natural farming to achieve exceptional food.

Our flock of ladies (Barred Rocks & Dominiques), protected by Heimdal (our stunning Barred Rock rooster), dwell in a spacious coop (cleaned daily) and forage on an equally spacious and lush pasture.

Shade trees, outdoor roost, rest areas, access to clean & always fresh water, lots of areas to socialize during the daily dust bath, plenty of sunshine, and fresh air keep our flock happy and healthy.

The nutritious diet of insects, bugs, grass & greens, plus the occasional frog, provides everything a laying hen needs. 24/7 access to supplemental calcium and organic, non-GMO feed ensures that during times when natural resources are less available, our hens have what they need. 

We believe that nature knows best. For that reason, we never force our hens to lay eggs. No artificial light, hormones, etc., have a place on our farm.

We never cull young hens at 12 months, or de-beak them!  Many commercial and natural egg producers provide artificial light to increase productivity, cull to prevent a productivity dip when hens molt, and de-beak chickens to “prevent injury”.  

We believe all of this is cruelty towards chickens and has no place on our farm. Our hens are allowed a fully natural chicken life. 

Therefore, eggs are not always available, especially during the darker winter months.  

Our eggs are collected by hand each day. 

Healthy hens are happy hens, and happy hens lay amazing eggs!


What is the price for your eggs?

$0.35 per egg; $4.20 dz. 

Do you always have eggs?

No. Eggs are somewhat seasonal. As the article above outlines, we don’t force our hens to lay or cull them at 12 months to increase productivity. We sell on a first-come-first-serve basis as long as our egg stock lasts.

The good news is there will be more the next day(s).

Are the eggs organic?

While we follow organic standards, we are not USDA certified.

Our flock is never treated with any antibiotics or hormones, allowed to roam on our pesticide and artificial fertilizer-free pastures, with access to supplemental organic & non-GMO feed as needed. All of our birds are mRNA-vaccine free!

Are your eggs available at Farmers’ Markets or local stores?

We are at the Center Farmers Market, Saturdays 9am – 1pm. You can buy our eggs there, or buy online during the week and pick them up at the Market.

We can only sell to consumers; commercial buyers or restaurants are, unfortunately, ineligible to buy eggs from us. 

Center Farmers Market

Saturdays 9am - 1pm

2024 Market Dates:
12th , 19th, 26th

2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

7th, 14th, 21st

201 St. Augustine Str, Center TX.

Behind the Chiropractor, access from Austin Street.

Save the date!

Pre-Order your free-range broilers today.

Order accepted until April 15th 2023